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Ashwagandha, Withania, Root Powder Organic, 1 lb, 453 g, Starwest

all you need is 1/8 tsp = 750 mg

an ancient herb that fights depression and anxiety as effectively, without the side effects ; while also protecting against cancer, brain disease, and sexual problems In the dry regions of India, northern Africa, and the Middle East, grows a truly remarkable healing herb.
Called ashwagandha, this herb has been indispensable in Ayurvedic healing for over 5000 years,
especially to revive the immune system after an illness.
Its Sanskrit translation, “the smell of the horse,” refers not to the plant’s smell but to its remarkable rejuvenating properties;
which are said to provide the strength and virility of a horse.
Over 200 scientific studies have tracked ashwagahdha’s therapeutic benefits, which are documented to include

  Boosting the immune system

  Enhancing learning and memory

  Reducing anxiety and depression

  Stabilizing blood sugar

  Lowering cholesterol

  Regenerating brain cells

  Reducing inflammation

  Protecting against malaria

Just as Effective as Antidepressants With NO Side Effects

Expensive pharmaceutical antidepressants have a poor track record of effectiveness in clinical research.  And even when they do work, they do so by numbing the symptoms of depression and are associated with serious adverse effects.  In contrast, ashwagandha is a natural adaptogen that balances and protects the body from stressors.  In the morning it boosts energy, and at night it calms and helps contribute to more restful sleep.

Human clinical trials have shown that aswagandha is just as effective as tranquilizers and anti-depressants in alleviating anxiety and stress.  When taken orally for 5 days, ashwagandha worked as well as traditional depression drugs, but without the side effects!  The herb knocked out the symptoms of anxiety as competently as the anti-anxiety drug lorazepam, and the anti-depressant drug imipramine.

 Subjects reported more energy, less exhaustion, better sleep, and improved feelings of happiness.  Plus, their cortisol levels lowered by as much as 26%!  Cortisol is a stress hormone that has been proven to contribute to autoimmune diseases, cancer, thyroid problems etc.

 Subjects supplementing with ashwagandha also showed a reduction in fasting blood sugar levels and improved lipid profiles.

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Weight 1.0 kg