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HCG Pellets Diet TABLETS 90 day supply

After placing your order, On request you will receive an email that will provide instructions step-by-step how to successfully follow the diet and lose the weight! (please email your request for HCG diet PDF booklets, info & tips to
plus you can download from website your copy of the ” HCG Diet Guide”, and the ” HCG Recipe Booklet”. These books provide a wealth of easy-to-understand information, and show you step-by-step how to successfully follow the diet and lose the weight!

Potencies 3X, 6X, 12X, 30X, 60X HCG, Homeopathic

Instructions: Take 3 tablets / pellets under tongue and hold until dissolved 3 times a day.

Do not eat or drink within 15 minutes before or after taking to allow absorption. If still experiencing hunger while on the diet, then increase dosage to

2 x 5 times per day (for pellets). (yerba mate Tea can also help with hunger & saffron)

WARNINGS: If pregnant or nursing consult your health care professional before using this product. You should consider talking to your doctor about any new diet or weight loss program before use.  Intermountain

Additional information

Weight .5 kg