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Kawa Kawa Leaf, Wildcrafted, 15 g

Kawakawa (pepper tree) Macropiper excelsum

Kawa Kawa has a nice flavour, well knownNew Zealand native herb
often used in culinary dishes, anything savoury

drink Kawa kawa as a tea , as a general tonic

used in hand made soaps

you can add other herbs , to make interesting flavoured teas
or spice combinations

Traditional uses of Kawakawa

The leaf and bark were used to heal cuts, wounds and stomach pains.

For toothache, a kawakawa poultice was applied, or the leaves were chewed

stomach ache, and the root was chewed for dysentery ( leaf and bark )

Kawakawa leaves were used in a steam bath for sexually transmitted diseases (introduced by Europeans).

Kawakawa can be used in a vapour bath ( or sauna) for those with rheumatism or other complaints.

Stones were heated by fire and and water was poured over.

A thick bed of kawakawa leaves was put on the stones, followed by kete  / flax baskets.



Additional information

Weight .5 kg